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Sector: Public transportation
Number of employees: approx. 450

Märkische Verkehrsgesellschaft GmbH is the local transport company of the Märkischer Kreis district and its municipalities. Märkische Verkehrsgesellschaft plans (planning order by district council resolution), operates bus services and is a member of the Ruhr-Lippe Transport Association (VRL). The Westphalian tariff has been in force since August 2017.

Main shareholders are the Märkische Kreis district and its 15 towns and municipalities. MVG currently has a total of 418 employees, 131 of whom were employed by its sister company MBG (Märkische Bus-Gesellschaft mbH) until the end of 2009, which was merged on August 26, 2009. A further 401 people are employed by almost 40 contractors. Of the total of 330 vehicles used, 139 are the company’s own vehicles.

Following the current development of electric buses and those with fuel cells as a drive source with interest, and “automated driving” and the ordering of bus journeys via cell phone app independently of the timetable, known as “bus-on-demand”, are also in MVG’s focus. MVG is already involved in two areas of application in close cooperation with science and industry: In Iserlohn (a-BUS – New Mobility Lab) and in Meinerzhagen (on-demand transportation).

Challenge for MAIN-TOOL at MVG:

  • Liberalization of local public transport
  • Resulting need for structural changes in the company
  • Mapping of workshops with maintenance of the vehicle fleet and infrastructure

Added value:

With MAIN-TOOL, MVG was able to integrate company divisions. Thanks to optimized processes, there were increases in profitability and savings.

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