Hier findest du Informationen und Downloads zu unserer Instandhaltungssoftware MAIN-TOOL.
Download Factsheets MAIN-TOOL:
Get an overview of the use of our MAIN-TOOL maintenance software in various industries.
The factsheets show the look and feel as well as highlights of our
MAIN-TOOL software.
With more than 35 years of experience, we are more adaptable and powerful than ever. MAIN-TOOL is represented on the global CMMS and maintenance management market.
MAIN-TOOL is our software for maintenance.
Download Factsheets MAIN-TOOL App:
Supported for Android and Apple iOS and available as Windows App
Mobile display and processing of work orders
Mobile Fault and Defect Detection on the fly
Execution of location and bin inventories
Usage of Barcodes and QR-Codes
Clear and distinct icons
Download Whitepaper Schedule Board:
Our system gives you a perfect overview of your working days, weeks and months. You can easily navigate between different time periods and adjust your planning accordingly.
If you like our maintenance software and you think it fits into your system, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We have over 35 years of experience in maintenance and servicing and operate in the food, oil and chemical, traffic, waste management, transportation, shipping, airport and service management sectors.